
class ElectrodeChannelMap(self: br_stimpy._bstimulator.ElectrodeChannelMap)

Bases: pybind11_object

The stimulator is capable of sending stimulation up to 96 different electrodes. The layout of where those electrodes are mapped to sometimes are not a straight channel 1 to electrode 1, such as in a Blackrock .CMP file. This struct allows the user to specify a mapping for there electrodes so that they do not need to worry about what channel they need to stimulate if they want electrode 20 to be stimulated.

Map Channels to Electrodes.




UINT8 Array, the pin on bank A is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.


UINT8 Array, the pin on bank B is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.


UINT8 Array, the pin on bank C is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.

property bankA

UINT8 Array, the pin on bank A is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.

property bankB

UINT8 Array, the pin on bank B is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.

property bankC

UINT8 Array, the pin on bank C is the index, and the value is the acutal electrode number.