
class TestElectrodes(self: br_stimpy._bstimulator.TestElectrodes)

Bases: pybind11_object

The stimulator allows for diagnosising the status of the electrodes attached to it. A known stimulus is sent to each electrode and the voltage is recorded for the five data points during a stimulation, i.e. before the first phase, during the first phase, between the two phases, during the second phase and after the second phase. These voltage levels are then used along with the known stimulation to calculate the impedance of each electrode. A 1 kHz frequency is used for the stimulation.

Electrode Diagnostics.




5 voltage measurements for all 96 channels reported in millivolts


Real part of Impedance of each electrode reported in Ohms.

property electrodes

5 voltage measurements for all 96 channels reported in millivolts

property impedance

Real part of Impedance of each electrode reported in Ohms.